3 Steps to File Your Complaint

Determine Where to File
We handle a variety of consumer complaints against businesses operating in Virginia, but not all complaints fall within our jurisdiction. Before filing a complaint with our office, check out our Agency Search (opens in a new window) feature to find the right agency to handle your complaint.
You also may click on the Common Complaint Topics listed below for more information and what agency can best assist you.
Complaint Topics

Speed Up The Complaint Process
- Use our online complaint form. It is the quickest way to get your complaint filed and processed.
- If you cannot file online, download and complete our printable complaint form to ensure prompt processing.
- Type if possible or submit a legible hand-written copy.
- Be sure to sign and date your printed complaint form, otherwise it will be returned to you for signature.
- All written complaints are scanned. Please only staple once.
- Assemble photocopies of all of your documents (*do not send originals*) and submit them all at the same time as your complaint form. Sending them separately slows down the complaint process.
- Provide all the necessary complaint details, but be concise.
- State the specific resolution you are seeking.

File Your Complaint
You may complete a complaint form online or download one of our complaint forms.
Online Complaint Form (Preferred Method) | |
Download Printable Complaint Form - English Version | |
Download Printable Complaint Form - Spanish Version - Formulario de queja en Espa??ol | |
Towing Complaint Form
Completed complaint forms may be sent to: |
Motor Fuels Price Gouging Complaint Form ** Note that price gouging complaints related to the sales of motor fuels should be filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Office of Weights & Measures ** |
Completed motor fuels price gouging complaint forms may be sent to: |
For further assistance call our Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-552-9963 if calling from Virginia, or (804) 786-2042 if calling from the Richmond area or from outside Virginia. Our business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

- We will review your complaint and contact you if anything is missing.
- If your complaint is not something we handle, we will let you know and forward it to the right agency.
- We offer alternative dispute resolution services for complaints that do not appear to involve a violation of consumer protection law. This is a voluntary process.
- We will act as a neutral in facilitating communication between you and the business in an attempt to resolve the complaint.
- We typically send complaints we handle to the business for its response, and we ask consumers to respond to the business’s position.
- If a mutually agreeable resolution cannot be reached, we may provide information regarding other options available to you.
- Where a complaint appears to involve a violation of consumer protection law, the matter may be reviewed to determine if there is a pattern or practice of violations warranting a possible law enforcement action.